
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blogging is fun!

I started blogging in 2006 when I got to college and wanted to have an outlet for my thoughts and ramblings.  My goals have changed many times since I began my 17-year-old filter-less ramblings  While I've axed a good bit (including a lot of vanity when I learned that followers is not to be equated with value), I've gained a lot that I wouldn't have ever gotten to experience otherwise.

Blog friends are a blast!

I love getting to check up on Millie's life through her lovely writing.  I think it's so cool that I've gotten to know more about Danae and Kelly only after we're not at school together anymore.  And, one of my favorites, I got to meet Felicia!  We met through one of Lauren Hartman's "Fill in the Blank Friday" posts.  I remember noticing pretty quickly that she was Christian, she loved reading, she was an awesome nerd, and we'd probably get along great in real life.  Now, we semi-regularly send snail mail letters and talk about all kinds of things.  And, it all started on the internet!  (How's that for online safety?  Don't worry, if we ever do meet in person, I'll be sure to take some pepper spray in my purse just in case she turns out to be a killer.)  (Ha!)

Felicia recently posted an award to her blog for a couple of her friends, and she's asked them to respond by answering some fun questions.  So, this one's for you, Fee!

1. If you could invite any 10 people in the world to a dinner party; fictional or real, dead or alive, famous or not, who would you invite?
Whoever else comes, I'd want Caleb, Millie, and Sweeny there with me.  They are my best friends and my favorite sounding boards, and I know that they'd have a good time asking questions of the other people at the table.  (In fact, if I were only allowed one dinner party in my life, it would have to include my conversation friends from college plus Caleb.  Those were the best lunch times ever.)
I'm hoping that time is unlimited, because I know I could spend days with just one of these people, but I'd really like to get to talk with Malcolm Gladwell, my grandmother (Nazi Germany survivor), my great-great grandfather on my father's side who came from Scotland, Clark Lee a reporter on the US forces in the Pacific during WW II (though I've already read his book) or Mr. Gene my Vietnam War veteran friend, Rosa Parks, Francis Chan, and King David.  Or Moses.  Or Mary the mother of Jesus.  Gah, there's so many!

2. What is something that you have always wanted to do but have never had the chance to?
At the risk of sounding girly and superficial, but also understanding that this is a completely valid desire, I have to say that I've always wanted to get married.

3.What skill do you wish you had and why?
I wish I could play piano like a beast.  I can already play well enough to satisfy myself, but I wish I could do more.  It's just so stinkin' fun, and I know there's more out there!

4. What's your most favorite dessert that you can never resist?
Is this a trick question?  Dessert = irresistible.
But really, ice cream, cheese cake, dump cake, pineapple upside down cake, and warm and chocolately mud pie.  Those are my favorites.

5. You're stranded on a deserted island - what 3 books do you take with you?
I would possibly take Shantaram.  I'm reading it now, and I absolutely love it.  It's about a convict who escapes to India and the life he lives there.  Absolutely riveting and very well-written.  I know that I would bring my Bible as well, but I don't know what would be my third book.  Maybe something light and engaging?  Is it cheating to say the Harry Potter series?

6. You're at Subway - what do you get on your sandwich? 
Chicken bacon ranch with cheese, all the veggies, and Sun Chips.  On the sandwich.

7. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you do now?
I wanted to be an artist.  I remember dressing up as one for career day.  My mom is an artist, and she helped make my simple costume.  She painted a painter's pallet for me to carry around. Thanks, Mom.
Now, I teach Korean preschool, elementary, and middle school students.  My preschoolers get a lot of opportunity to test out their artistic creativity, but it makes me sad to see how much they feel the need to copy something or risk doing poorly.

8. What is your nervous habit?
I still pick at my cuticles sometimes, but I've come very far from the nail biter I used to be.

9. If a blog were having a giveaway, what would really entice you to enter?
I would enter if I saw that there was a good chance I'd win, if international shipping was available, or if it was something too sweet to miss out on.

10. If you were a colour, which colour would you be? (See that Canadian spelling there?  Felicia's my first real friend from Canada!  :D )
I think I'd either be a fresh orange or a vibrant green.

11. What is your favourite quote and/or verse?
Ah, tough one.  I'd have to go either with Zepheniah 3:17
"The LORD your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior.  He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy." (NASB)
or Hoseah 6:3
"So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD.  His going forth is as certain as the dawn, and He will come to us like the rain.  Like the spring rain watering the earth." (NASB)

BONUS: What is your favorite thing about snail mail? :D

My favorite thing about snail mail is receiving it and remembering that people from home love me and care about me.  It's always super thoughtful and super appreciated.

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