
Friday, March 28, 2014

One Way to Make Your Rainy Day Better

I've got another off the cuff, written in real time post for you.  I wanted to share this right away because it's relevant now.

One trick to make your day better | Lindsay Eryn

Last week, Pandora suggested I take a listen to their Brazilian radio station.  I didn't know what I was expecting, but I know I was surprised by what I heard!

The relaxed, sexy, breezy sounds of this music makes me feel like I'm in a French movie.  I've played it while cooking dinner, and I feel more put together and more chic.  I'm playing it right now as I go through some very mundane tasks at work on this dreary day, and I feel a calm motion carrying me forward.

How I feel about Rainy Days:
Just no.
I know they're often seen in a romantic light along with books and hot tea and cozy love seats by the window, but as much as I want to like rainy days, I don't.  I don't ever.  To me, they are gloomy.  I much prefer the sun.  Sun showers are fun, and I like listening to rain at night and watching storms come in, but when it's just a solid sheet of rain coming down all day, I'm inclined to be less happy than usual.  That's where Brazilian music comes in lift the mood!

By the way, one trick I've been able to use to get me engaged in these mundane work tasks it to switch back and forth between short bursts of the tasks.  Print 2 pages of receipt information, then upload a page's worth of resumes to our files.  Repeat until complete.

How do you feel about rainy days?  Any tips for brightening things through the gloom?  Any favorite Pandora stations to recommend?  What are your tricks for getting things done?

 (My other go to station is the tropical station.  It reminds me of Vieques, and I like to play it in the mornings on the way to work.)


  1. I don't know about for rainy days, but in the mornings when I feel gloomy in general, I listen to the Mae pandora station, and in the afternoons when I need to calm from the stress of the day, I choose the Gregory Alan Isakov station. I also got into the Punch Brothers station! Lovely folksy/bluegrass stuff!

    1. I've heard of the Punch Brothers, but not the others. Thanks for the recommendations!


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