
Friday, October 17, 2014

Recommended with this NEW Turkey Avo Sandwich with Special Sauce!

 We have a Caleb Sutton original for you today, and I'm super excited to share it, because it's delicious!

My new favorite sandwich!  An amazing turkey avocado sandwich recipe

Caleb came up with this one solo and did a fabulous job.  If you just say avocado, I'm sold, but add on cheddar cheese and this tasty mystery sauce, and I'll eat every bite.  Here's his recipe.

My new favorite sandwich!  An amazing turkey avocado sandwich recipe

NOTES: The pound of turkey provided enough for 4 sandwiches and some leftovers, which tasted great in a scrambled egg.  Feel free to use less turkey.  After tasting our sandwiches, we both went back for more mayonnaise, because we liked it so much!  He didn't put in too much chili powder, because I don't like spice, but you can feel free to adjust to your tastes, of course.  Caleb's version was sweet, just a little spicy, and very new and different.   I also added some salt onto my sandwich, which helped cut the sweet mayonnaise a bit. 

Let me know if you try it!

Recommended with my new favorite sandwich...

The Factual Feminist speaks about the internet being an unsafe place for women.  If you are a girl or if you are a boy, you should watch this.

One of the coolest parts of being rich parents, I think, must be getting to decorate your kids' nurseries however you want.  I'd want an Amazonian nursery just so I could put these in the corner (and because green is the best color).  My other kid's room is going to be space themed because of this.

I think a big pile of blankets helps a stranger's home feel more welcoming, and I plan to have one in my house soon.

Thanks to the American government, I don't get to enjoy these awesome European cheeses!

Need some self esteem inspiration?  There's always Kanye's method... (Please don't use Kanye's method.)

P.s.  Another Sutton original recipe


  1. Replies
    1. We love it so much, Caleb's making it again for dinner tomorrow!


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